Club History

The Kiwanis Club of Bethpage Central Park was chartered in the Long Island South Central (LISC) Division of the NY District as one of 7,700 clubs in 80 countries on October 1, 2012.   Very soon thereafter, Superstorm Sandy devastated much of Long Island.   Many of our early service projects revolved around relief efforts and helping the children who were affected by the storm feel as close to normal as possible.   We had food drives, clothing drives, and Trunk-or-Treat Halloween for children who lost their homes.  We provided giftcards and holiday presents to families who were displaced.   Our club has grown to include over 70 members who wholeheartedly believe in our motto: “Serving Children Of The World”.  

We are a 501c3 and proudly support the local Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center at Cohen Childrens Hospital and donate Pediatric Trauma Kits to the Local Fire Department.  Our club provides Tick Removal Kits to local scout troops, which in turn supports the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Foundation.   Each year we send local middle school students to Kamp Kiwanis where they enjoy a week-long camping experience that is 100% funded by our club.

Recent projects have included Kiwanis One Day Downtown Beautification/ Clean Up, and a Food and Sundries Collection for St. Martin of Tours Outreach and NY District Kiwanis Disaster Relief.  Our club supports local families in need, sponsors assists with the Special Olympics and participates in community events like the Memorial Day Parade, Chamber of Commerce Music on Broadway, and Relay For Life. 
